Why car park barriers are crucial

When it comes to parking your car, chances are you don’t notice the many barriers in place as you head towards the nearest space. However, rising barriers, bollards and gates all play a key part in car park infrastructure. But why car park barriers are crucial, is an important questions everyone should be asking.

In many cases, car park barriers and gates both help to provide an added layer of security. Research has shown that they serve as a deterrent to thieves, although this cannot be guaranteed as an absolute given.

When used in conjunction with other preventative measures such as CCTV and/or a car park attendant, they provide a physical and psychological barrier to potential criminals that is almost too challenging to overcome. It creates the feeling of being trapped or slowed down, which isn’t ideal for quick and efficient getaways.

In areas where the car park is in a high-risk location, such as near a large public space, airport, train station or shopping centre, car park barriers can help to prevent potential terrorists from getting close enough to cause any excessive damage. A combination of secure gates and bollards will be able to keep harmful individuals and vehicles at a safe distance.

Additionally, in areas where there are lots of pedestrians, barriers and bollards can help to separate cars and people – particularly around areas where they may be queuing, such as close to payment machines. Automatic barriers also help to slow traffic down upon entering the car park, adding extra safety to the area.

Along with the security benefits, adding car park barriers can enable you to control the flow of traffic and charge for parking if needed. On occasion, you can let people pass through at no cost if you also have flexible or automatic barriers.

Finally, installing barriers can often help reduce car park costs as insurance companies will offer discounts for additional perimeter security and protection. This, in turn, helps to keep entry prices lower and leaves customers feeling as though they are getting value for money. To find out more about installing car park gates or barriers, contact us today.

underground car park automated metal security gate

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All gates can be designed to how you would like them so if you are interested Please contact us if you are interested in an inquiry.

Have a look through our website and see which gate works best for you.