If you pull up to a premise you are visiting, only to find that you have to wait for someone to open the gates, you will become agitated. If you approach a free car parking area to find that it is full, you will once again become agitated. You will lose time and often patience looking for alternative parking. Imagine that the person in this scenario however is not you. Imagine that it is an important client on their way to visit you. Installing automatic barrier gates at your car park will mean that your client arrives in a good mood. That they will be on time, and that they won’t be stressed over not having being able to park.
When you run a business, you must make a lasting first impression. That means having an exterior to your business that is clean, that looks professional, and one that is efficient. The way you present your car parking area to your clients is more important than you may first think. Giving vague directions to a possible place to park if your car park is full is off-putting and anything but professional.
Automatic Barrier Gates for Professionalism
When your parking lot has barrier gates, only people who are intended to can park there. You can operate a system that is linked to an intercom. Or you can operate a system that uses tickets. A ticket system will only work if you then segregate your parking into visitors and employees. Introducing a barrier gate system at your car park does not mean you have to charge for parking. What it does mean is that you can choose to charge people who are not connected with your business. If you want to remove problems from your car park such as abandoned vehicles, or people leaving their car there whilst they go shopping, then a barrier and a steep charge for visitors will do the trick.

Your work car park should ideally have individual bays for employees, and ample parking for visitors. Important visitors should have a designated section near to the main entrance. Another thing that you can avoid when you introduce such as system is clients getting wet when it is raining. There is nothing worse than trying to get a client interested in your product or service when they have been drenched by the rain.
Automatic barrier gates can be added to your open car park, or your existing gates can be automated by your local gate specialists. When you choose your local reputable gate installers, the whole process will be done with the minimum of disruption, and it won’t cost you the earth. Using your reputable gate and barrier specialists for the job will also mean that maintenance and repairs will be carried out when you need it most. Surely the only thing worse than not having an automatic barrier system at your car park is having one that is broken and won’t let traffic in or out? Contact your gate and barrier specialists today about upgrading your existing system, or introducing brand new Automatic Barrier Gates Installation.
If you want to see more of the Automatic Barrier Gates Installation and gates we have hand crafted and designed for our customers you can find them on Facebook.
If you have any inquiries you can contact us here