If you’re fortunate enough to have a set of automatic electric gates on your property, for anybody wondering how to repair gates of this particular style, sadly, it isn’t simply a case of spraying the hinges with WD-40 as, due to the fact that they are so complex, you will need an expert service, and it can be difficult to know the Signs Your Gates Need Repairing. Anybody looking to repair gates quickly and efficiently should do all they can to ensure that they choose an efficient and professional company, with the right insurance, who knows exactly what they’re doing. If you’re perhaps not the most attentive of individuals however, you may not even realise that your gates need repairing at all, and like most other things, the longer you leave them, the worse they will get. To help you identify whether or not you will need to find someone that that can repair gates quickly and efficiently, here are a few tell-tale signs that your gates need repairing.

They Look Worn
When you first had your gates installed, they will obviously have looked fantastic as they will have been bright, vibrant, shiny, and in brand-new condition. As time goes by however, especially in the UK, where our weather can be pretty atrocious at times, the effects of weathering may begin to become more and more apparent. If your gates are made from metal and they are developing patches of rust, and the paint is flaking and chipping away, they may need repairing, or servicing at the very least. The same principle applies with wooden gates, as if the varnish/wax/paint is flaking and peeling away, and the gates are looking dull and worn, they may almost certainly need repairing in one way or another.

The Mechanism Isn’t Working Properly
The most obvious sign that something needs repairing, is if it doesn’t work correctly, or at all for that matter. If then, your automatic gates are not functioning as they should, you may need to track somebody down who can repair gates effectively. Technology is fantastic until it goes wrong, then it can be a nightmare. If your gates are failing to open and/or close properly, there is obviously a fault with the mechanism and/or technological aspects, and so they will need fixing pretty quickly, before the problem gets any worse.

They’ve Been Damaged in Some Way
If your gates have sustained damage in some way, again, even though they may still be working fine, you have no idea what is going on in the inside of the device, so they will need fixing and repairing in some way, or at the very least, they’ll need checking out. For example, if somebody accidentally hit the gates with their vehicle, even at a slow speed, there could potentially be a lot of damage on the inside that will need rectifying. During the autumn/winter months, we get some pretty severe storms at times, so if your gates have been damaged via high winds and wet weather, again, rather than ignoring the problems because the gates still work, you should still get on the phone to somebody that can repair gates and provide a professional service.

If you want to see more of the gates we have hand crafted and designed for our customers you can find them on Facebook.

If you have any Signs Your Gates Need Repairing you can contact us here