If you feel that your garden and driveway could benefit from a bit of a spruce up, electric wooden gates are absolutely ideal. Electric wooden gates not only look the part, but they also serve a very real purpose, plus, if you preserve them and maintain them properly, they will last you a lifetime in the process. The biggest mistake that people make when it comes to garden gates, electric or otherwise, is that they simply fail to look after them and maintain them, meaning that they quickly become rundown and dilapidated, resulting in the gate owner having to dig into their pocket and to buy replacements. If you’ve recently had electric wooden gates installed, or if you’re thinking of having them installed, take a look at the following, as we provide you with a series of tips designed to help you maintain and preserve wooden gates.
Inspect Them Regularly
One of the best ways of ensuring you maintain and preserve your wooden gates is to take the time to inspect them regularly and to see whether or not you can find any flaws or issues. By inspecting them, you can take note of the condition of the wood, you can look for chips and cracks, and you can see just what kind of condition the wood is going to be in. Of course, with wooden gates, the older the wood the more likely it will be to become worn and damaged, especially in bad weather, but by inspecting it with your own two eyes, if you do find any problems, you can get them seem to before things get worse.
Treat the Wood
Whether you decide to stain, wax, or paint your wood, you must make sure that you treat the wood as soon after having the gates installed as you possibly can. Not only will this help to make your gates look much nicer, but more importantly, it will also provide a protective layer helping to protect the wood from the wind, rain, sleet, snow, and anything else that our temperamental British weather decides to throw at us. It is so important that you treat the wood as quickly as possible, as even allowing it to be exposed to just one downpour of rain without being protected, could increase the risk of rot pretty dramatically. It may seem like a tedious job, but it is essential, and the finished article will look truly amazing.
Touch Up Any Problems
Finally, if you do find any potential problems on your gates, you can actually perform a bit of routine DIY yourself and can touch them up before things get worse. If there is a crack, or a chip in the paintwork, then gently sand down the affected area, and then touch it up with paint, wax, or stain, depending on what you used. Make sure however, that you get the exact same product and the exact same colour, otherwise the different shades will stand out on your electric wooden gates like a sore thumb.
If you want to see more of the gates we have hand crafted and designed for our customers you can find them on Facebook.
If you have any inquiries you can contact us here